How A Clean Home Can Impact Mental Health
Keeping a clean home may sound like a lot of work, especially with all your daily responsibilities. But how important is it for your mental health to have a clean and organized living environment?
A clean home plays a crucial role in your overall well-being. It can create a significant impact on your productivity levels, psychological and physical health, relationships, and several other aspects of your life.
Having a nice, clutter-free home, particularly while working from home, can improve your concentration and decision-making skills. A disorganized, untidy environment may draw your attention away from more relevant matters and can also induce you to procrastinate. Simple steps such as making a to-do list may help you keep a balance between the multiple tasks and responsibilities you face daily.
We all know sleeping feels so much better after changing your sheets, rearranging your room, or just decluttering. This happens because having an organized environment lowers cortisol levels, reducing stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety can lead to poor sleep quality, unhealthy eating habits, avoidance of physical activities, mood swings, and much more. Creating a routine such as making your bed every morning or changing your sheets every week, or at most every two weeks, can improve your sleeping quality significantly.
Clutter is an emotional trigger, worsening symptoms of anxiety and depression by building a negative environment. On the other hand, cleaning and decluttering have proven to help some people cope with mental disorders by giving them a sense of control in their lives.
Having a clean home might take some work and time, but just think of how important your overall health is. Start by taking small steps and work towards making them a routine.